Medicine Lake

Medicine Lake is a body of water located in the La Sal Mountains

10,000 feet in altitude

2 acre property

Moab is 48 miles away (approx)

High-clearance vehicle

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Directions: La Sal Junction is 22 miles south of Moab on Highway 191. Make a left onto Utah Highway 46, which will take you through La Sal. Turn left onto Canopy Gap Road after 12.9 miles of driving east (a.k.a. Two Mile Road). After about 2 kilometers, turn left onto La Sal Pass Road (at the signposted intersection) (F.S. Road 73). You'll arrive to a "Y" junction after approximately a mile. Stay on the correct track. Continue for another 6.5 miles until you reach the Beaver Lake turnoff. Continue about 1 mile on F.S. Road 73 via a steep cut bank. Turn left into a little road right away.