Target Ruin

The trail-head to the Target Ruin is located just off Utah 95 near mile marker 111. It is next to the Butler Wash directional sign.

A pullout is located on the north side of the highway. There are no bathrooms, water, or services at the parking area.

From the parking area you'll take a short trail that you see to the bottom of Butler Wash.
There is a very well developed hiker trail which lead you along the Butler Wash bottom. This trail will cross the wash multiple times.

The Target Ruin area changes with flooding each year this will create new trails for hikers. Following the trial should still be easy the hike is a short distance up the Butler wash bottom.

Target Ruin is inside of a box canyon just a little ways off of Butler wash. Take the trail that goes diagonally up the sandy hill that can be seen from Butler wash. This trail can be hard to spot so keep an eye out for it. If you get to the spot where you are heading to Ballroom Cave, you've passed the trail and need to turn around to find it.

Target ruin gets its name from the bullseye design painted on the wall the is in front of the cave. There are a few other markings in and around Target Ruin.

There are 4 other ruins in the Butler Wash area, Ballroom Cave is the largest.